Theme 1 : Lack of Reproducibility in Telehealth solutions
Mobile environments are fundamentally designed to deliver audio-visual signal not biometric measurement(Posture, EKG, Vital sign)
Due to this limitation, existing telehealth solutions provide limited Screening, Prevention and Treatment support.
Theme 2 : Ineffective Baseline Data in Digital Healthcare solutions
When it comes to utilizing data, such as anomaly detection, the algorithms used often rely on generalized baselines. While this broadens their potential applications, it reduces their effectiveness and precision when it comes to an individual's unique health status. Additionally, most remote monitoring systems struggle to provide healthcare professionals with the most accurate representation of a patient's condition beyond basic Vital signs.
Theme 3 : Lack of Continuous Monitoring After Emergency Incidents
Most emergency solution are only focused on detection, but the effectiveness of an emergency care not only relies on detection but also monitoring the individual’s status after the incident. This valuable information can aid medical professionals in making informed decisions promptly.
Theme 4 : Limited Access to Reliable EKG Testing Outside Medical Environments
Current Digital health solution typically provide only a single-lead EKG monitoring. 6-lead EKG, which provides a higher degree of precision than single-lead EKG is exclusive to controlled medical environments with the supervision of a trained professional. However, to assure higher possibility to detect arrhythmia precise EKG monitoring should be available for long period which can be limited in medical environments.